Welcome to NRG Kids

This blog is designed for kids, parents, and volunteers to get more information on the exciting things that are happening with NRG Kids. We are very excited about what is going on and where we are headed as a ministry. Please take a few minutes to celebrate with us what our God is doing. A special thank you to the many volunteers that make all of this possible. You are being used by God in more ways than you can imagine!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Better Late Than Never!

I know it has been a long while since this has been updated. But we are keeping busy around here in NRG Kids Ministry which is a good thing. With summer behind us, far behind us as I look out the window at the rain, I realize it is fast approaching 2010. Fall has been great, the Wednesday night kids clubs are going wonderfully, kids are really learning God's word and connecting with our adult team members like never before. Sunday's are transforming as I type, we will be changing the order of service this coming Sunday for a trial run with LIVE worship! how exciting! Kids are experiencing a deeper worship time with the Lord & are responding well to the lessons each week. Fallapalooza was awesome! We most likely had the largest crowd that any of us in NRG can recall. Many from the community came to ECC to hang out with us on Halloween night, it was great. Thanks again to all the wonderful volunteers that helped with that event. With Thanksgiving coming up next week, I know all of us will have in our minds the many blessings in our lives, I truly feel that all of your children are amazing blessings from the Lord, and I speak for all of us here in NRG when I say we are so thankful this year for each and every one of them!

Friday, July 3, 2009

What's new in NRG Kids Ministry?

It's all about B.O.B.!! ?? Who is Bob? Well, on Wednesday nights here @ ECC Olympia campus the kids are learning the B.ooks O.f the B.ible (BOB). We are all the way up to 33 books now, half way! The kids are doing great, each one is so excited when they get up on the stage and see how many they can recite. They don't even want to stop at 8:30. They are giving high fives and jumping around when their table gets the most points for the night. I love it, to see them so happy learning God's word. Please come check this out, you couldn't spend your Wednesday nights better.

On Sunday's kids are learning all about BGMC missions. With Courtney's challenge just around the corner, the kids are getting pumped up with excitement. It's funny how much excitement you get from them with just the prospect of throwing a pie at an adult! Anyhow it will be great fun! Will the boys or girls win? Pastor John is spending most of the summer teaching the kids how to here God's answers to the many, many different questions they may have about the Bible, Christianity, suffering, dreaming and many other things. It's so important for the kids to build strong foundations when they are young. Just imagine your little one explaining to another child why good people have bad things happen to them. Don't miss Sunday's at ECC.

Preschool & Nursery are going strong. Stop by and check out what the little ones have been up to. I absolutely love the NRG team, because of these great servants hearts for our children, we can rest assured each time we bring them to ECC Olympia or McCleary that they are safe & loved and most of all being taught the love of Christ. If you have ever thought you had a gift for working with kids, or even if you just love kids please get connected with someone from the NRG team and we will help to find the place where God can use your gifts. Thanks to everyone for making NRG Kids Ministries a great place to be!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What does Jesus mean to me?

The preschool children have been discovering the many things that Jesus did while on earth and what that means for them today. Take a few minutes to ask your child about Jesus. Who was He? What did He do? How can we be like Jesus? The kids have been hearing stories of some of the miracles that Jesus did and the parables that He taught. Read some of the stories from the Gospels with your children. Talk about different ways that we can follow Jesus' example in loving the people around us.
John 3:16
God loves us so much. He sent His Son, Jesus.
Psalm 23:1a
The Lord is my shepherd.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Born Again?!?

Rock Solid

Are you ready for some construction? Get your work boots on because this week the elementary kids began a new series on building a Rock Solid foundation. The first brick in this foundation is called Salvation.

Romans 10:13
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

In John chapter 3, a Pharisee named Nicodemus came to Jesus in the night to ask him some questions. He knew all about the scriptures, but he wanted to know how to get to Heaven. Jesus told him to be born again. What does that mean? Do we need to become babies again? Jesus was talking about starting a brand new life with Him. This is what being a Christian is all about. It is the first step to building a Rock Solid foundation.

We Can Serve God!

Luke 2:10
I bring great news; Jesus is born!
The preschool children have been learning about the birth of Christ. This week in Kiddie Clubs they heard the story from the book of Luke about Mary being the mother of Jesus. Mary served God by taking care of Jesus as a baby. We can all serve God in some way. The preschool kids were challenged to find ways to serve God. Encourage your kids to serve God in everything they do!